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Fitinguri pentru sistemele de incalzire in pardoseala.

Folosirea de casete de derivatie hidraulice (similare cu sistemele electrice de uz casnic) simplifica foarte mult utilizarea tevii de polietilena, oferindu-i si un rezultat estetic incomparabil. Casetele de derivatie cu sablon au distantele centrale fixe pentru conexiunile fitingurilor sanitare si posibilitatea de a alege adancimea la care fitingurile se vor prinde in perete in functie de grosimea prevazuta de acoperire.

When using for radiator junctions, the use of RR 702 chrome-plated extensions and of AGE06/07 plates definitely give the junction a pleasant aspect (no longer cracked walls, inclined pipes, hanging radiators).

The junction boxes make it possible to crimp the conduit (always recommended for thermal expansion problems), forming a unique element making it possible to pull off the pipe when necessary and to replace it with a new one without needing to break the wall. All the hot dipped galvanised iron templates are fractionable in case of single use.

The SS1711 boxes can be coupled one to another by grooved guides to obtain a minimum centre distance of 38 mm for use in heating with single pipe valves and 3- and 4-way distributors. The supplied template allows you to obtain centre distances of 38, 50, 100, 153 mm to meet all the junction requirements both in heating and in DHW.

Boxes with 105 ° fitting SS1730 - SS1735 are equipped with sealed rubber cap insulating the box from the circuit. Should the fitting drip, the leak can be immediately identified in the box and does not extend through the conduit.

The junctions have EUROKONUS thread and make it possible to use all the fittings for polyethylene, multilayer and even copper pipes.




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